Wednesday, August 10, 2016

I'm back

Every once in awhile, I have these brilliant thoughts that I wish I could remember down the road or see fun things I'd just as soon not .  Time to start blogging.  I tried to start this once and got side-tracked.  Probably ADD, ADHD, or worse....facebook.  Screw facebook.  I'm tired of FB being used as the vehicle to spout political, religious and other BS - basically being used as a personal opinion blog.  It's just another reason to do this - a way to express my views without poisoning the facebook well.

I write this on the day after the absolute low point for the Padres.  They are once again awful, in rebuilding mode, and just lost Maybin to a suspension for using PEDs.  His excuse is that he takes medication for ADD, was on the...aaand, I never finished this thought back then.  Wow, I'm going to try to at least keep up with this now...
Wow, had no idea this blog was still out there.  Welcome back, me.

Olympics are happening - love all of it.   Good to see the gymnastics girls dominating, Phelps is still the man, and that this Lilly swimmer is speaking out against doping.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Friday, September 5, 2008


I've just started to try and figure out how these things work, so bear with me...I'll be adding content periodically as time permits. Hope this turns out like I want it to...